jhjackson1967 7th February 2013

To our best friend Chaddy – A True Friend who will never leave our hearts xx We can shed tears that you are gone, or we can smile because you have lived. We can close our eyes and pray that you'll come back, or we can open our eyes and see all you have left. Our hearts can be empty because we can't see you, or they can be full of the love you shared. We can turn our back on tomorrow and live yesterday, or we can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. We can remember you only that you have gone, or we can cherish your memory and let it live on. We can cry and close our mind, be empty and turn our back. Or we can do what you’d have wanted: smile, open our eyes, love and go on. We will miss you more than words can say - Jason, Angela, Conor and Nathan xxxx